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David's first album 'Far More' was released in February 2002.
listener comments Read listeners comments below.
Es hat mich umgehauen. Setzt neue Massstäbe.
- Simon Lämmle, Worship Leader ICF, CH
Han soscht gern Hip Hop aber ich finde sini Musik immer no de besti Sound!
- Leandro , 12 years, CH
You can compare it to any record on the market, its up there.
- Richard Dodd, Top-Producer USA/UK
Bin hell begeistert!
- Leo Bigger, Senior Pastor, ICF, CH
Der beste christliche Sound, den es gibt!
- Max Roth, Kunstmaler, CH
I was very impressed with the voice, the production and the songs.
- Bonnie Pritchard, Worship Music Editor Timelife, Virginia USA
Very progressive ...
-Elliot Wood, Artist manager Nashville, USA
I cried ...
- Gloria Heusser, Hausfrau, Malaysia/CH
Die am besten produzierte CD, aus einem Schweizer Tonstudio, die ich je gehört habe.
Wärme, Druck, Qualität - einfach geil!
- Christof Mäder, Toningineur, ICF/Freelance
I gotta have a copy!
- Frazer McDermot, Anglican Worship Leader, London,GB
Sehr erfrischend und aufbauend!
- Hugo Koch, Bildhauer, 45 years
C'est meilleur!
-Langu, Chanteur du Zaire
His voice is very varied and expressive!
- Amy Powell, jazz singer, Nashville, USA
I can imagine the first track being a top 10 hit!
- Pete, Myriad Productions, London, GB
- Neil Latchman, Opera Tenor, Venezuela
Gefällt mir sehr!
- Leah Grob, Hip-Hop Tänzerin, Ro-Kids Crew, CH
It is very different and different is good.
- Cheryl Wicker, TV producer, Louisiana, USA
Toll und ziemlich geil produziert!
- Marco Walser, Voice 3 Produzent & Sänger
Everyone I played it to is ordering a copy.
- Philip Taylor, brother and TV director, London, GB
I listen to it every morning. It is really uplifting and there is a lot of spiritual depth to the words.
- Albert Taylor, father and missionary, 67 yrs old
Sehr einfallsreich und innovativ.
- Corinne Bücheli, Sängerin, Basel, CH
Sehr schöne Musik.
- Ruth Koppel, Hausfrau, ZO, Pioneer für christliche Musik in den 70er Jahren
My kids 7 and 12 love it and so do I - I am 45.
- Estate agent, Spain
Really Good. There is so much detail.
- Rachel Dungar, Moderatorin & TV 3 Journalist, 32 years, CH
Besser als DC-Talk. Bringt Energie ohne nervös zu machen!
- Pedro, Brasil/Schweiz, 15 years
I like to listen to Uncle David's music.
- Sophie, Godchild 3.5 years
Beaucoup de Concept. Tres Bon!
- Jean-Marc Lerigrab, Singer, Paris, FR
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